My Grandchildren (by Sharon)

I will always remember Dec.24, 1985. That was the night our grand daughter Jessica was born at Ft. Gordon Ga. My son and daughter in law had called us earlier of the evening to tell us they had walked the Mall. Then later we received another call they were on their way to the hospital. We were so excited at our home in Indiana anticipating the birth of our grand baby.

In the mean time I was getting ready to go to work . I was on the midnight shift at the Indiana Toll Road. That night especially it was so bitter cold below zero. It had been snowing most of the day. Just before I started out the door to work our son called us to tell us they were wheeling our daughter in law into the deliverly room. When I left for work I passed threw the first plaza I told the Toll Attendents there that our grand baby would be born soon. By the time I got to the plaza where I was working I still hadn't heard anything. Just as I was leaving to go to my booth. The phone call came my husband called to say we had a grand daughter Jessica and that she was perfect. That night was Christmas Eve. I know I told everyone that came threw my Toll Lane I was a grandmother. I was so happy. All the Christmas music playing all night at work on the radio. I couldn't wait to get home in the morning to call the family.

Now we had two more grandchildren born Brian was born May 1987 in Heidelberg Germany. I was working the day shift that day.My son called me on the job to tell me we have a grandson. Again I was so thrilled. After many years. April 1997 Michael Patrick was born in Bad Kreuznach Germany. I had just got home from the midnight shift to hear the good news. That another grandson was born. All three grandchildren mean very much to me.

By Sharon

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