Alfonzo Our Cat (by Sharon)

Every body has a story about their pets. I have one too.

We had a cat which came to our home one day. And moved in our home.He was a male white cat with a large orange heart. About one year old we were told so. I wanted to name the cat Valentino my sons said, "No way mom. Because of his orange shape heart on him."I lost out nameing the cat. The boys named him Alfonzo.

He was our first cat. Our Alfonzo was such a smart cat. He lived about 12 years. The years he lived with us he brought us much joy in our lives. When Alfonzo wanted a drink of cold water he would go down to the garage area. He learned to turn the cold water on for himself and shut it off.

This cat did many things in our home to alert us of danger. We had a fireplace in our family room. One night we had a terrible rain storm and the flue was open the water was just pouring in on our carpet. Alfonzo to the rescue he woke us all up. We had a mess to clean up.

Another time it had rained all day and into the night. We were all asleep when the power went off. You see we had a sump pump in the garage.The water started rising up in the garage. Our cat Alfonzo knew again something was wrong. We were woke up once more by him.This was the kinda cat he was.He saved us from alot of damage. He roamed the night at our home.

by Sharon

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