Learning To Drive (by Sharon)

I remember the fall I was learning to drive a car.

We had an old 1952 Ford with a stick shift. If anyone remembers those cars they had a clutch on the floor. Somehow you were suppose to make the letter H in shifting gears. With your right foot on the clutch. Easy enough for anyone,but not me.

On Sunday afternoon my dad and I would go out in this large parking lot area. Dad would show me how easy it was to shift gears. Needless to say I never did learn how to shift gears in that old Ford of his. I would go a few feet and stall the car.

The following Sunday we tried this again once more. My dad was not going to give up on me. After much stalling and shifting gears. The old Ford needed the gears repaired. I stripped the gears in the car that Sunday.We needed a tow truck to take us home.

While dad was taking me out driving, I was taking drivers education after school. I was driving a Dodge car with push button drive. I would come home tell my dad how easy it was driving that car. My dad never had a brand new car. After much talking about new cars. He gave it alot of thought. What a surprise it was dad bought a 1960 Brown Mercury. Dad was so proud of his new car. Now if he could just figured how to drive his new automatic car. Thats where I came in.

He learned well with me teaching him now.I want you to know that car of his lasted for many many years.

by Sharon

Please send me your mail.....ohto@pluto.dti.ne.jp

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